Various other photographic projects

During my time at IU South Bend, I have been fortunate to take a variety of photography classes ranging in digital to film. Spanning from fall 2020 – spring 2023

One of my last photography classes was one of my most practical set of skills I was able to fully grasp and be able to do anything with my photography. While this class was towards the end of my degree, I was able to learn a lot of new techniques and skills that I would not have been able to complete personal and other projects without. Overall, lighting tends to be what makes a breaks a photo, and if you have a decent light setup then you can do anything.

Lighting – Spring 2023

During the spring of 2022, I was able to advance my skills with film photography by using a large format camera. Using more expensive film and different equipment allowed me to slow down my photographic process and take the time to frame my photo and make sure that everything was in focus. In a time of digital photography, it can become difficult to focus on capturing the best image when digital is so easy to overshoot. While this was my favorite class I took during my time at IU South Bend, I learned quite a lot about to be choosy about what you are shooting and how you are shooting.

Large Format Photography – Spring 2022

During my third semester of college, I was introduced to a format of photography that I still use in my work to this day. Working in 35mm and Medium Format photography and the darkroom allowed me to spend more time with my work, whether composing an image or enlarging it in the darkroom. All in all, I relate a lot of my current work to my Intermediate Photography class. Revisiting analog photography has allowed me to grow as an artist.

Intermediate Photography – Fall 2022

Entering the second semester at IU South Bend marked my second photography course. My digital imaging class focused more on the digital and technical aspects of photography aside from mastering the basics. We mainly focused on using Photoshop to create intriguing images before printing.

Digital Imaging – Spring 2021

My first semester at IU South Bend was quite the typical covid semester. Low class enrollment, not a lot of creativity, and just a feeling of uneasiness. This semester came as nothing easy, it was my very first college class ever, and I knew nobody. Despite the circumstances, I was able to get back into photography and have a fresh set of eyes look at my work.

Fundaments of Photography – Fall 2020


Freelance Work


Graphic Design Work